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Cataloxy White Plains...Companies in White PlainsBusiness ServicesServices to businessesLawyersGash & Associates, P.C.

Gash & Associates, P.C.

Gash & Associates, P. C, is a full-service White Plains personal injury law firm that serves clients throughout New York City and the Tri-State area.

Gash & Associates, P. C, is a full-service White Plains personal injury law firm that serves clients throughout New York City and the Tri-State area. With roots going back to 1989, our primary goal is, and always has been, to provide every one of our clients with the highest level of legal representation possible.

Because we work so tirelessly with our clients in pursuing the best possible outcome for their case, we view them as part of our extended family ― caring for them and their legal matters as we would for someone close and dear to us.

That is the ” personal” part of our personal injury practice. We are passionate about our clients, which manifests itself in the dedication we bring to them and their cases. Simply put, we love what we do.

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 Contact person: Gary Gash
* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 235 Main St.
10601, White Plains, New York

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